My Wait Loss journey with Marie France Part 1
You read right, it’s a wait and see for me as I’m committed to this weight loss journey. I’m not obese, just 18 pounds overweight. I’m nearing 50 and lately my body has not been cooperating, it’s showing signs of wear and tear. Low back pain, weight gain, sluggish metabolism, increased appetite with little or no exercise, hormonal changes etc… My exercise regimen was pretty consistent up until late last year when circumstances and situation were manageable. I’ve moved to a temporary home in the South until our home that is being built in another location not far from where we are, is being finished, hopefully in the next 2 months. This gave me a setback in terms of my routine as I was scouting for new places to work out but put it off as settling in was more of a priority for me, I wanted to make the temporary house liveable and functioning.
5 months later and I noticed that my weight gain was something serious to consider as I was recently afflicted with a bad rhinitis problem that lingered for a month and a half. I wasn’t taking care of myself. Steroids, antihistamines and antibiotic pills became my best friends and enemy. The Steroids made me look puffy and bloated. I didn’t look healthy. My clothes were not fitting well, I looked like a sausage every time I’d put on an outfit. On top of that, midnight snacking was creating havoc on my diet.
A treat to myself
My birthday is nearing in May and I decided to shop around and take a visit to Marie France to jumpstart my weight loss treatment. I’ve heard about them since the 80’s and have had relatives and friends who have availed of their services with mixed results, most of them positive. Luckily for me it is just around the corner from where I live and I decided to take their free consultation just to see for myself if I really think its just one of those fast fad slimming centres out to take advantage of me. I consider this an early birthday gift if I went with the program.
Don’t get me wrong, my expectations are not anorexic proportions, as I don’t aspire to be model thin, first of all I’m petite 5 feet to be exact. For petite women out there, a 5 pound gain is really obvious compared to a 5 1/2 ft woman where a 5 pound gain will appear dispersed and spread out. In my case, it tends to show on my face, arms and my middle section immidyately! So can you imagine 18 pounds on my frame? This has been a weight gain over the past 20 or some years.
Day 1 Initial Consultation

The centre is decorated in pink. I was met by a receptionist who led me to Lyn Dionisio, the Consultant. She asked me initial questions pertaining to my lifestyle and body profile and took my body measurements and measured my fat with a fat calliper to determine how much body fat I have in my system and compared it to a chart that corresponds to my body frame, weight and height. She prescribed a program for me that will make me lose and melt fat away first before a body sculpting module will be added. She assessed my arms, middle section and legs and confirmed that these are really my problem areas that need to be worked on STAT!
Did I mention that Marie France is offering a 50% discount on the Fat Mobilization System? This got me hooked. This is their signature treatment to melt off unwanted pounds. More on this later.

With this in mind, she prescribed the FMS coupled with Endermologie + and she threw in Vara pulse for my arms. How’s that for incentive? What was holding me back was actually the financial part as I’ve never spent so much for a weight loss regimen and was I overindulging myself to compensate for my lack of self esteem at the moment? I went home and wanted to think about it and justify if I needed this. I went into the internet to check out other reviews and blogs on those that took the Marie France challenge and I decided to take a risk and try it for myself. Most of the blogs that I read
Day 2
My program includes a nutritionist who will prescribe a healthy doable meal plan coupled with a medical doctor to assess my medical needs. It’s not a diet and the food prescribed is actually the food that you eat, of course sensibly. What it is is the healthy food pyramid, the right combination of carbs, protein, fat and fiber and the correct timing. I was prescribed to eat 6 small meals a day as opposed to three full meals that I am accustomed to which finds me snacking during the middle of the day and night. You remove the bad sugar, fat and empty calories that end up on your body. I was also asked to write a food diary to see what I actually consume on a daily basis and will submit every week to assess and tweak my weight loss goals.