Mother’s Day Beauty Session 2: Jeanette Chu Gomez
I first met Jeannette in July of 2013, when our family friend Mike Gomez quietly announced to close friends family and relatives that he was engaged to be married. I have known Mike for more than two decades and I have never seen him or heard he was in a relationship with anyone for that matter.
To whom I asked? I checked out his Facebook page and there she was. Her photo splashed as his FB profile pic. I thought to myself, it was a photo of a lovely woman randomly selected because of her attractive profile. I’ve seen this in a couple of my friend’s profile photos where random photos of people, a cause, places or things that appeal to the person is used as a FB profile photo.
I was immediately informed that the lovely woman is indeed his fiancé. We both laughed ourselves silly. So I asked him for how long did he keep this as a secret to everyone? 12 years to be exact. Huwow! Indeed it was time to settle down. Jeannete comes from a family of eight siblings. They met at the Stock Exchange when Mike was working as a stock broker and she from another firm. It was love at first sight for him. As the saying goes, the rest is His-story.
Unfortunately, the wedding coincided with my family vacation (which was also overdue) and, so I could not attend. I vowed to make it up to them as I was kicking myself in the head for failing to witness this wonderful, humble couple mark their milestone. As the photos were posted on Facebook, I truly saw the love between the two and I missed a fabulous wedding.
When I finally got a chance to meet Jeannete in her mother in law’s birthday celebration, I boldly asked her if she could model for me some time for my bridal portfolio when the need arises. She was hesitant and too shy to say yes. Fast forward to May of this year, I finally got a chance to ask her once more if she can model for my Mother’s Day feature on my blog and she said yes.
The good news is, there is a bun in the oven and she is due on May 19th! In fact as I write this, she will be in labor soon. I can only wish Mike and Jeannete good things and blessings, and parenthood will certainly be the icing on the proverbial cake.
Congratulations and welcome to Parenthood, Jeanete. Family photo session next?