Mother’s Day is an American holiday started by Anna Jarvis who wanted to honor her activist Mom Ann Reeves Jarvis whose advocacy was to improve the health conditions of the impoverished women in the Appalachian region in the 1800’s.
This holiday is usually celebrated on the second Sunday of May to honor all mothers for their unwavering love and sacrifice in nurturing and raising their children.
While the day was observed as a legal holiday, celebrated with simplicity and reverence—church services were held in honor of all mothers, living and dead. Fast Forward to today, Mother’s Day has become mainstream by commercializing it’s significance with greeting cards, the sending of flowers and buying gifts to honor Mothers.
Regardless of how we celebrate this day, there is no right or wrong way on how we choose to honor and express our love to the woman that we all call Mom, a simple gesture or a heartfelt message thanking and valuing our Moms is never a bad idea. Here is mine.
A lawyer by profession, Kat Valdez Cruz is also a college administrator of Patts College of Aeronatics. I share with you a snippet of Kat’s parenting style, a single widowed mother raising two beautiful and accomplished daughters Annika and Alessi.
Describe your parenting style. Does it differ from one child to another?
“I think I’ve incorporated a little bit of how my parents raised me but mostly just figuring things out along the way. I’m quite stern and rigid. I had to be since I was left to raise the girls alone. But as I aged, I think I have mellowed from being very strict to being more flexible and accepting that things don’t always turn out how you want them to. The girls raised me as well. 😊”
What advice can or did you give to your daughters that you feel they took it to heart?
“I’ve raised my daughters to be strong and independent. I’ve always told them that life will not always be a bed of roses. It will be a series of trials and challenges. You must learn to persevere and remain steadfast. When it comes to finding a partner in life, I told them to use both smarts and prayer. It is my most fervent wish – that they find someone that will perfectly complement them and be a great partner in life.”
What have you learned as a parent in raising your girls?
“When the kids were younger and I had just lost Reymond, I sought the help of a therapist. She very clearly told me – your children will have a million friends. Don’t try to be a friend to them. They don’t need that. What they need is a parent who will keep them in place. A parent who will set the rules and who will make sure they follow them. Don’t try to be a friend and think you will get along 100% of the time. Be a parent because that’s what they need most from you. I take this to heart always.”
Have your children taught you something that you appreciate or appreciated?
“My children are my constant reminder that whatever I go through in life, it will always be good because I have them by my side. They are the ones who will stand by me even if I make mistakes and wrong decisions. They teach me everyday how to love with no limits and to be a better person in the process.”
What is your beauty routine? Any favorite products?
“When I hit 40 a few years back, I realized that beauty routines are a must! We cannot rely on youth and natural beauty anymore, now that I am 50! I apply sunscreen before I step out the door to exercise and re-apply before I go to the office. Moisturizers are a must as age dries out my skin. I also use eye creams and serums. Seems like a lot but again, I think it’s necessary if we want our skin to remain supple and young. Its okay to age! I am not afraid of that. I however want to age gracefully – like my Mother. 😊”
Are there beauty products you share or your girls have shared with you that you loved?

“We are beauty junkies! I love buying makeup and accessories but I don’t really know how to use them. My children are such great teachers! They’ve taught me the importance of applying contour, bronzer, highlights and more! At the moment, my most favorite beauty product is my sunblock stick. I love how it applies so seamlessly without having to touch the product and the application is not sticky at all.”
What is your favorite photo/s from the shoot and why?
“I love all! You and Andrea made us shine! Thank you for this experience with my girls.”
10). Describe a beauty moment for you that changed the way you approach beauty or made your feel confident.

“Ten years of doing a triathlon under the sun and extreme heat really aged my skin. I enjoyed the sport and did not realize how much it was affecting my skin. When I walked away from it, my skin changed as well. I was not as tanned which for me was a beauty mark. It’s what I believed was beautiful then. Now a few shades lighter but a few sizes bigger, (hehe) I am comfortable where my body is at. I find beauty in how I am today – older, fairer, chunkier but still keeping fit and happier.”
To all the Mothers who never cease to nurture, care, guide and love their children, a big thank you for all that you do and all that you are! You are our Queens!
Makeup: Acie Fores
Photography : Andrea Zubiri Photography